Free Wi-Fi in all rooms / Stylishly redecorated non-smoking rooms / Start your day off right with our delicious breakfast.
This plan only includes breakfast. Please note that dinner will not be provided.
Web only [Smoking semi-double room] [Standard] [Semi-double room] [Smoking] [No view]
This plan only includes breakfast. Please note that dinner will not be provided.
Web only [Smoking double room] [Standard] [Double room] [Smoking] [No view]
This plan only includes breakfast. Please note that dinner will not be provided.
Web only [Non-smoking / Double room] ■ Wi-Fi compatible [Standard] [Double room] [Non-smoking] [No view]
This plan only includes breakfast. Please note that dinner will not be provided.
Smoking twin room [with breakfast] [Standard] [Twin room] [Smoking] [No view]
This plan only includes breakfast. Please note that dinner will not be provided.
Non-smoking twin room [with breakfast] [Standard] [Twin room] [Non-smoking] [No view]