Budget Rent-a-Car

Budget Rent-a-Car is the best place to book a rental car. For travel and business trip.

Frequently asked questions about Budget Rent-a-Car

Can I rent a car if I am under 25 or over 75?
Yes, you can. There are no age restrictions.
Is there an additional charge for long distance travel?
No, there are not. Mileage limits do not apply.
Do I have to pay an additional fee if I want to return the vehicle to a different location?
If you return the vehicle to a different location within the same prefecture, there is no additional charge. However, if you return the vehicle to a different location in another prefecture, an additional fee is required. One-way rentals with a drop-off area between Oita and Yufuin and between Hakodate, Chitose, and Sapporo are subject to a fee.
Can I register additional drivers?
Yes, you can. Note that additional drivers must have the same requirements as the main driver.
What type of insurance coverage is available?
Your vehicle is covered for Personal Injury, Property Damage, Vehicle Damage and Bodily Injury. 1) Personal Injury - for death and/or injury to a third party ( unlimited per person (including liability insurance) (a $50,000 deductible will be charged)) 3) Vehicle Damage - if a vehicle rented by us is damaged (up to 50,000 yen or 100,000 yen of actual costs per accident/incident will be charged as deductible compensation (amount varies depending on the type of rental vehicle)) (4) Residual disability: In the event of death or injury to a passenger (up to 30 million yen per passenger. In some areas, medical expenses may be covered) compensation will be applied in lieu of permanent disability). Please note that a police accident report is required for the compensation program. Please contact our Help Desk at the same time. However, a non-operation charge will be applied in the event of an accident/incident. Since the vehicle cannot be rented to other customers, this will compensate our company's business during the repair. The amount of the non-operation charge depends on the condition of the vehicle. 1) If the vehicle can be driven to the return location on its own: 20,000 yen 2) If the vehicle cannot be driven to the return location, we strongly recommend a non-operation charge of 50,000 yen (excluding towing costs). We strongly recommend that you register for the safety package. Please register for the Safety Package.
In what cases is the insurance compensation program not applicable?
The insurance compensation plan does not apply in the following cases 1) If the amount of damage exceeds the compensation limit. 2) If the accident/incident was not reported to the police or our help desk. (No accident report was issued by the police.) 3) The accident/incident is caused by a driver who is not registered as an additional driver at the rental location. 4) Accident/incident occurred after the end of the rental period without prior notification. 5) The accident/incident was caused by an unlicensed driver, a driver under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or a driver who was sublet by the applying driver. 6 ) When a settlement is made after the accident/incident without notice to the person concerned. approval from the Company. 7) If the accident/incident is caused by violation of the Rental Agreement. 8) Flat tires or other damage, lockout and loss of keys, loss of wheel caps, broken chains, dirt inside the vehicle, loss of equipment, theft of the vehicle with keys while parked, battery failure due to customer negligence, and immediately. 9) Towing Service The Safety Pack does not apply to damage to the interior of the vehicle (stains, odors, etc.) caused by smoking in a non-smoking vehicle or by bringing animals or food into the vehicle.
Can I change my reservation?
Yes, you can. However, if you wish to change the details of your original reservation, you must first cancel the original reservation and then rebook the new reservation. Please note that our cancellation policy applies 6 days prior to the rental date.
What if I cannot get to the rental location by the rental time due to public transportation delays?
If you do not notify the rental location in advance, your reservation will be automatically cancelled one hour after the rental time.
What documents do I need to bring to the rental location?
To register at a rental store, you must present an international driver's license, a domestic driver's license, and your passport. However, if you are from Belgium, France, Germany, Monaco, Slovenia, or Taiwan, you will need a domestic driver's license and its translation document approved by the Japanese government.
Can I rent a foreign-language navigation system or ETC?
Yes, you can. When it comes to navigation systems, English, Chinese, and Korean displays with English audio are the most common features, except for Japanese. However, in some areas the service is limited, so it is recommended to check when reserving a vehicle; as for ETC, it is available in most locations, but also check when reserving a vehicle. In addition, a special card called an ETC card is required to use ETC. Therefore, it is necessary to confirm that an ETC card is available and make a separate reservation.
When and how should I pay the rental fee?
When you rent a car at one of our rental locations, you must pay the full rental fee by credit card. Cash, checks, bank transfers, and debit cards are not accepted.
Must the vehicle be returned with a full tank of fuel?
Yes, the vehicle must be returned with a full tank of gas. The vehicle you are renting has a full tank of fuel. To avoid incurring fuel charges, the vehicle must be returned with a full tank. Therefore, when returning the vehicle to the return location, please fill up the tank at the nearest station (within a 5 km radius of the return location). Please also present your receipt at the return location. This is to ensure that the correct fuel has been refueled.
Can I leave my luggage with you?
No, we do not allow luggage check-in. This is for security reasons. We will not compensate for any theft or loss of baggage on site.
Can I smoke in the car?
If you are renting a non-smoking vehicle, you may not smoke in the vehicle. If any traces of smoking are found, you may be charged a cleaning fee.
What should I do if there is an accident or incident?
Follow these instructions: 1) Rescue the injured. 2) Call an ambulance (phone number: 119) 3) Call the police (phone number: 110) 4) Call our help desk 5) Report the accident/incident to the police and receive an accident report.
What should I do if my plan suddenly changes during the rental period?
In all cases related to a change of plan, please contact our Help Desk in advance. 1) If the rental is returned earlier than scheduled without changing the return location, the rental fee will not be refunded. 2) If you return the equipment later than scheduled without changing the return location, you will be charged the rental fee for the excess period at the return location. 3) If you change the return location and return the rental equipment earlier than scheduled, the rental fee will not be refunded, but you will be charged a one-way fee at the return location. 4) If you change the return location and return later than scheduled, you will be charged an extended rental fee and a one-way fee at the return location.